Scroll down to learn about dress code at SBUSixth.
At South Bank University Sixth Form – SBUSixth, we have thought hard about the dress code and uniform. In line with our values, we work hard to support our students to be ready for the workplace. This readiness for the world of work comprises many habits, attitudes and behaviours. This includes being organised and well presented and through dress code presenting a business-like, corporate look.
We want our students to be able to visit places of work, engage with employers and conduct work experience while feeling their uniform is in line with the corporate environment. As such we have a uniform and dress code policy which we ask our students to follow.
Many school uniform policies are misaligned with modern business dress: of our employer partners for example, none have a dress code in 2022 which includes a dress shirt and tie. We have considered this in the creation and evolution of our own dress code.
We are mindful of cost in what are challenging times for families. We do not have expensive bespoke uniform items, nor an extensive kit list for sports or specialist activities. We allow more scope for students to express their cultures with hairstyles and personal appearance than many schools, so long as our students’ appearance would be appropriate for a professional workplace such as a bank or office-based environment.
For more information please read our uniform policy here