

Your well-being is our priority at SBUSixth

South Bank University Sixth Form is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors. We promote a climate where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns that they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others. We strive to make sure that every student at SBUSixth feels secure, well cared for, and able to reach their full potential.

We ensure all our own staff, governors, other professionals, parents/carers, and students work together to know the rules about keeping children safe. They understand the importance of following procedures and listening to each other, especially when there are concerns about safety.

SBUSixth works hard to reduce all the kinds of harm that children can suffer, including abuse, bullying, discrimination and avoidable injuries. If you have any concerns at all about the safety or welfare of a child, please do not hesitate to contact us.

SBUSixth Safeguarding Team:

Sharon Carnegie | Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Delma Russell | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

If you have a Safeguarding concern and/or a child is at risk outside of school, please contact:
Lambeth Children’s services first response telephone: 020 7926 3100
Out of hours telephone: 0207 926 1000

Please click here to view the policies that we follow at SBUSixth to keep our children safe

Further information for families and parents that may be helpful:

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is: Andrew Zachariades, Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Lambeth Council.

If you would like to know more information regarding the safeguarding of young people in schools, you may find the following information useful.


Although SBUSixth teaches students e-safety throughout the curriculum, we think it is equally important for parents to be aware of the risks and what they can do to develop a culture of e-safety in the home.

If you have any concerns about your child’s safety online, there is always someone at SBUSixth who is available to talk to you. Simply contact your child’s coach or one of the Designated Leads or speak to any member of staff who will direct you to the right person.

The online world is a wonderful source of information and resources for your child, where she can find many opportunities to enrich their understanding. However, it also presents some risks if they don’t know how to keep themselves safe.

At SBUSixth we teach our students how to stay safe online. We work closely with Digital Awareness UK, which has trained all our students and a sizeable number of their parents in how a young person can safely use the internet and social media.

If you are interested in learning more about this important part of your child’s education, try using some of the resources we’ve provided for you here as a starting point:

Think You Know website

The Think You Know website is created by the police for parents of children at secondary school. It contains useful information about:

  • what children are doing online
  • how to talk to children about what they are doing online
  • what risks your child might face
  • and what tools are there to help them stay safe.

Other useful websites

You’ll also find a wealth of additional information on the Think You Know website or any of the websites listed below.

What is a Money Mule?

Being a ‘money mule’ is when you allow other people access to your bank account, and it can land you in prison.

  • You may be contacted as part of a job scam or through social media and asked to transfer money, allow access or open up a new bank account.
  • The money may have been stolen or have come from illegal activities and you are being used to hide it.
  • This could result in a conviction and up to 14 years in prison a­ffecting job prospects, travel restrictions and access to money.

How do I avoid being a money mule?

Parent Info

Parent Info is a regularly updated feed of expert information, advice and sources of support for parents on a whole range of parenting themes – the emphasis being on helping parents and carers develop their children’s resilience to the risks and pressures they face today’s world. View the ParentInfo page at

Safer Schools Partnership

There are now over 450 Safer School Partnerships operating throughout England and Wales, with police officers and community support officers based in schools to work closely with staff and students.

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