
Policies at SBUSixth: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability

At SBUSixth, we prioritise transparency, accountability, and the well-being of our students, staff, and wider community. Our policies serve as guiding principles that shape our operations and foster a safe, inclusive, and conducive learning environment. We are committed to providing easy access to our policies, ensuring that everyone is aware of our expectations, procedures, and practices.

For further details on our policies or if you require access to specific documents, please contact our administration team. We value your feedback and engagement in helping us maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for all.

At SBUSixth, we believe that clear policies and procedures contribute to the success and well-being of our entire school community.

Uniform Policy
Supporting students with medical needs policy
Student Acceptable ICT Use Policy
Staff Code of Conduct
SEND policy and INFO report
Safeguarding policy
Relationships and sex education policy
Provider Access Policy Statement
Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy
Prevent risk assessment
Policy for students who cannot attend school because of their health needs
LSBU Group Speak Up and Whistleblowing policy
Health and Safety Policy
Governors allowances policy
Gifts and hospitality policy
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
First aid policy
Exclusions policy
Equality Policy
Disability Access Statement
Data Protection Policy GDPR
Data Breach Policy
Complaints procedure
Charging and remissions policy
CEIAG Policy
Behaviour Policy
Admissions Policy
Accessibility Plan
Academic Integrity & BTEC Agreement Policy
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