a young man in a suit is smiling while working on a computer

South Bank UTC launches new business and finance pathway as part of its innovative 6th form offer.

As a unique part of the LSBU Group, South Bank UTC continues to evolve its innovative curriculum for 6th formers. The UTC benefits from being a purpose-built technical school with cutting-edge facilities at its Brixton Hill campus. Already specialist in health and engineering, the UTC is unusual in being sponsored by major employers such as GSTT, King’s College NHS Trust and Skanska as well as LSBU as a university. This engagement helps the UTC be able to offer an innovative and enriched curriculum, giving students not only the knowledge they need to secure qualifications, but also the skills, capabilities and pathways to help them progress to their chosen destinations. 

In September 2022, the UTC is launching a new curriculum pathway in business and finance. With a core of a level 3 BTEC extended diploma, the course is worth 3 A levels. Like the other pathways though, the curriculum will be enriched so that it’s a uniquely powerful experience for students. UTC students will work with the LSBU School of Business including for example by accessing the Bloomberg Suite and understanding share trading. They will work with organisations including Morgan Stanley, PwC and Investment 2020 with students accessing a range of experiences and projects to enhance their pathways. We look forward to speaking to the first cohort of students in September and tracking their progress.

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